Home » , » My Beauty for Your Ashes by Traci Wooden-Carlisle

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1. Were you engaged immediately, or did it take you a while to get into the book?
I was engaged immediately. How could I not with the book starting out in tears?

2. How did you feel reading this book?
Irritated, then eager, then happy.

3. Do the main characters change by the end of the book?
There is a ton of growth for all the characters.

4. Is the plot engaging—does the story interest you? Is this a plot-driven book: a fast-paced page-turner? Or does the story unfold slowly with a focus on character development? Were you surprised by the plot's complications?
The story unfolds slowly. I was surprised at some of the characters outburst and other times I wasn't. I knew that there would be a love try angle between Mason, Paige, and Brandon. I knew that the book would end like it did.  I wished it ended differently than what I thought.

5. Talk about the book's structure.
This book interlocks two stories. The timeline moves back and forth between past and present.

6. What main ideas—themes—does the author explore?
Forgiveness and Faith.

7. Did you like the ending?
It was bitter-sweet.

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